Tuesday, March 9, 2010

RABU: 10/03/10

Kelas/Masa/Mata Pelajar: 5 Elit/745-845/Bahasa Melayu
Tajuk: Membaca tokoh sejarah negara
Kemahiran: Mengingati tokoh sejarah
Objektif: Murid dapt mengenal tokoh-tokoh negara
1. Guru berbincang dengan murid
2. Murid memerhati dan membaca penerangan sejarah
3. Murid menulis semula
4. Guru menyemak kerja murid
BBM: Tokoh negara

Kelas/Masa/Mata Pelajaran: 6 Dedikasi/915-1015/SNS
Theme : Investigating The Earth and Universe
Learning Area: 1 Eclipses
Learning Objective: 1.2 Understanding the eclipses of the sun
Learning outcomw:
1. State what eclipses of the sun is
2. State the position of the moon, the earth and the sun during the eclipses of the sun
3. Explain why eclipses of the sun occurs
4. Predict the scensrio on the earth during the eclipses of the sun
SPS: defining operationally

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